I can make “jokes” about Jesus and
Mary Magdalene
And my apology is as insightful as
the “joke” itself
I can say genocide Jonathan and
nothing will happen
I can use my social media account
for both constructive and destructive criticism
I can become a reporter on any
negative occurrence in a government I don’t like
I can join campaigns aim at
sabotaging my opponent’s efforts
I can call my opposition derogatory names on social
media and that’s not a hate speech
I can make boast on social media
irrespective of its perceived impacts
I can make allegations of Jonathan
dancing in Kano while Boko Haram strikes
All in my quest for power
Now that I am in power
You dare not challenge my authority
You dare not criticism my government
either constructively or destructively
Your post on social media will be
termed a hate speech
Your post is capable of inciting
Just go to Kufena hills and throw
yourself down
Or better still get suspended and
onward detention
Do I have double standards?
Have I forgotten that what goes
around comes around?
That the rope used to flog the
first wife is still in the drawer
Bijimi Daniel Meindous