Thursday, 8 September 2016


The offer is inviting
The appearance irresistible
The nutritional values immeasurable
Many children will run for it

Big aunty prepared it for little Jonny
She finds delight in the young lad
He has potentials to grow and glow
In him she sees a leader of generations

Hungry little Jonny stands there
Big aunty generous offer before him
With confusing facial expression
Am not hungry says little Jonny

Is he really not hungry she wonders?
Big aunty makes a second offer
Little Jonny with a frown says no
Accepting his stand big aunty gives up

Big aunty returned to her chores
The attractive offer refrigerated
Little Jonny now hungrier makes advances
Requesting now for the offer

Little Jonny causes big aunty more stress
She will need to warm the offer now
She hates the time and efforts wasted
The frustration of a genuine offer

Bijimi Daniel Meindous
Blog Spot.

Twitter Handel: @Dmeindous 

Thursday, 16 June 2016


Because you are you
You let go for peace to reign
You swallow the pain for all to gain
You support the course not minding who gets the crown

Because you are you
They often think you are weak
They will always take advantage of you
They win arguments with loud voice not facts

Because you are you
Your lips prays for them to succeed
You silently hope the stop picking on you
Your magnanimous heart wishes them no harm

Because you are you
They think you are a coward
The will assume you are a nonentity
They will imagine you cannot not fight back

Because you are you
You will not let them weigh you down
You will not compromise on your standards
You know the He in you is greater than them all

Twitter handle @Dmeindous

Thursday, 2 June 2016


On top of the tree
Attractive to the eye
Desirable to the mouth
Required by the stomach

As I await your ripeness
Courageous men are eating it with salt
With our gaze fixed and hands outstretched towards the matured ones
We are outrun by the birds that pierce the mango flesh with their beak

As it hung on the tree
To posses it is my ultimate goal
To feel the touch of its tender flesh my utmost desire
A lot of people want this too; I must outmatch them to reach my goal

If I use a stone, I could damage the mango
If I use a stick, it may fall and get bad
If I rely on the guy on the tree, he may not give me what I desire
If I buy on the road, it may not be fresh

I have to climb the tree
Possibility of falling is the risk I must take
Staining my cloths is a price am willing to pay
I will get more options while on the tree

Bijimi Daniel Meindous

Wednesday, 13 April 2016


In my shining armour
Carrying on my journey
Devotedly striving on the quest
For the part which completes the whole

The good thing promised me by scriptures
That gladdens the heart of parents
Comes with the lord’s favour  
Creating a new page

The seed incubator
The neck which stands my head
The navigator which directs my path
The company where I seek good counsel

Thy palace awaits thee
The knights are at table
Thy chariots are all set
Its sunset, Come home

Bijimi Daniel Meindous

Thursday, 17 March 2016


No shame in tears
No game to fear
Facial frame to tear
For a name too dear

There came the year
With same to bear
The blame I hear
The fame not near

No shame in tears
No flame is fair 
I claim with cheers
And exclaim on a chair

Bijimi Daniel Meindous

Monday, 1 February 2016


I can make “jokes” about Jesus and Mary Magdalene
And my apology is as insightful as the “joke” itself
I can say genocide Jonathan and nothing will happen
I can use my social media account for both constructive and destructive criticism  
I can become a reporter on any negative occurrence in a government I don’t like

I can join campaigns aim at sabotaging my opponent’s efforts
I can call my opposition derogatory names on social media and that’s not a hate speech
I can make boast on social media irrespective of its perceived impacts
I can make allegations of Jonathan dancing in Kano while Boko Haram strikes
All in my quest for power

Now that I am in power
You dare not challenge my authority
You dare not criticism my government either constructively or destructively
Your post on social media will be termed a hate speech
Your post is capable of inciting violence   

Just go to Kufena hills and throw yourself down
Or better still get suspended and onward detention
Do I have double standards?
Have I forgotten that what goes around comes around?
That the rope used to flog the first wife is still in the drawer

Bijimi Daniel Meindous