Tuesday, 22 August 2017


Buddhism presents us with the middle way or the middle path hinge on the basic principles of finding a mid-point between denying one’s desires and indulging them. The Buddha elaborates the middle way to be much more than moderation or a compromise. “Shakyamuni’s life exemplifies a basic interpretation of the Middle Way as the path between two extremes, whereby every virtue is a means between two extremes, each of which is a vice.”

As a born prince, Shakyamuni base on Marxist contexts was a bourgeoisie who enjoyed every physical comfort and pleasure. “However, dissatisfied with the pursuit of fleeting pleasures, he set out in search of a deeper, more enduring truth. He entered a period of extreme ascetic practice, depriving himself of food and sleep, bringing himself to the verge of physical collapse. Sensing the futility of this path, however, he began meditating with the profound determination to realize the truth of human existence, which had eluded him as much in a life of asceticism as it had in a life of luxury. It was then, in his rejection of both self-mortification and self-indulgence that Shakyamuni awakened to the true nature of life—its eternity, its deep wellspring of unbounded vitality and wisdom.”

The basic principles of the middle way are
  • ·   Extreme views are expressions of greed and hatred.
  • ·   Extreme views do not reflect the truth very well because the truth is obscured by that greed and hatred.
  • ·  Following the Middle Way thus means trying to avoid getting caught up in that greed and hatred, but examining the truth of the matter carefully.
  • ·  Usually (but not always) a calm examination of the issues without any prior assumptions will find truth and falsity on both sides, and the truth lying somewhere in between.
  • ·  The Middle Way is thus not necessarily an in-between position, but this is often the outcome

Just like the attribute of extreme views of greed and hatred, relevant literature and discussions have suggested that the most populous black nation on earth has long been divided along extremes lines of religious believes, ethnic affiliation, social class, political ideologies and most recently APC or PDP or better put hailers and wailers. 

While the hailers sing praise of the achievement recorded so far by the APC lead government in the last two years and condemning the sixteen years of the PDP lead government, the wailers do the opposite by counting the list of broken promises by the APC in the last two years and counting the PDP achievement of 16 years. The middle path which frowns at extremism does not agree that Nigerian should be subjected to either sixteen years of mismanagement or two years of broken promises by both the PDP and APC lead government.

While the hailers will loud their voice at the capture of Boko Haram terrorist or the release of the Chibok girls, they tend to unaware of recent attacks on University of Maiduguri or the violent conflict between farmers and herdsmen in some states of the country. The wailers are quick to announce the misfortune surrounding a terrorist attack and keep mute on any progress or achievement towards eradicating the terrorist. The middle path which holds that extreme views do not reflect the truth very well because the truth is obscured by that greed and hatred keeps at open eye and an open mind when there is a misfortune and when there is an achievement.

Due to the tenacity of most Nigerians to pitch their tents and mount their support base on ethnic affiliations, religious belief and political ideologies, the quest for ensuring good governance becomes a mirage and the struggle to bring about a people centered democracy becomes a herculean task. Our loyalty and support to an individual or political party has made us blind to the fault of not ensuring they do well in government, we dance to celebrate “our politicians” even when no music is playing, we shout to condemn “their politicians” even when there is nothing to condemn. Our practice of opposition to a sitting government has only made us bigots and subjective in many ways.

As a believer in the middle way, I belief that Nigerians deserve more than the sixteen wasted years of PDP or the two years of broken promises by the APC led government. I belief in the commitment to upholding respect for the dignity of life, core values and placing it before adherence to a political or economic ideology. We need to hail and wail where and when it is necessary based on issues irrespective of individual or political party. We need to get to a level where we can wail based on ill though and unpopular policies or actions with no traction to the well-being of every man implemented by individual or party even if we are family to the individual or members of that party. We need to hail achievements and progress made by individuals and party, even when we are not members of that party. Loyalty or opposition should not blind us and subject us to praise singers or fault finders, the middle way should make us objective and balance in our contribution to national development.

Bijimi Daniel Meindous
Twitter Handel: @Dmeindous

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