Wednesday, 25 October 2017


The garment that fits who can find it
It gently covers the wearers nakedness
And generously provide protection from unfavourable weather
Draws admires eyes and trigger their complements

The garment that fits, who can find it
The first garment caught my eye as it hanged on the wall with splendour
My friends will admire me in such a garment
But the splendour could not go beyond the garment surface

The garment that fits, who can find it
The seller rushed campaigning to sell the second garment
Displaying the wonderful functions of the garment
But I could not wear it, the garment was too tight

The garment that fits who can find it
A tailor surely will make my fit
The tape guided his work and at last I have a third garment that fit
Feels good wearing it, but washing has quickly faded it

The garment that fits, who can find it
A fourth garment was placed in front of me like others before it
It fits my body with little efforts
Accommodating my round stomach and brief height

The garment that fits who can find it
Surely the tailor had me in mind when the fourth garment was made
It is so comforting that it can be worn anywhere and every where
It provides a sense of feeling that I take pride in

The garment that fits who can find it
The garment has seen the bottom of my bucket and the rough edges of my drying rope
It has refused to fade despite the frequent washing and drying
The garment that fits, I have found it.

Bijimi Daniel Meindous
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Twitter: @Dmeindous